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At I AM INVISIBLE BULLYING AND SUICIDE, teamwork is the cornerstone of our success. By leveraging the diverse skills and perspectives of our team, we develop innovative programs to combat bullying and suicide.

​​​​Collaboration fosters creativity, builds supportive relationships, and amplifies our impact, enabling us to empower more youth and promote community engagement. ​​We are proud to have received an award from the Clarksville City Council for our “The Cooking the Wright Way Cooking Class 2023.”  Award presented by Councilman Juan Little.   


​We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our past and present team members for their invaluable contributions in raising awareness about bullying and suicide within our communities.


From the Desk of Mayor Pitts:   Clarksville, Tennessee





I am very proud of the many organizations working diligently daily to better our community. Today, members of the I'm Invisible Bullying & Suicide non-profit organization sat down with me to not only discuss their bullying and suicide prevention organization but also talk about ways we can implement proven counteractive strategies within our City that effectively combat this epidemic that is increasingly claiming the lives of so many.



Teamwork Makes the Dream Work 

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